Apple Newton Cake

This is one of the first cakes I ever made, it has to be at least four years ago that I made it.

I like to look back at my earlier cakes to see how I’ve improved. I still think this cake is pretty neat aside from the roughness about it.

I remember the part that took the longest was the little apple icon at the bottom. I had to mix each color separately and pipe it on just right. Trying to get all the icons and wording to fit took some patience too!

I made this cake for my then boyfriend, now fiance, Aaron. He is a Mac fan, as am I. He was into collecting Apple Newton and MessagePads at the time.

*What I Learned: It’s a good idea to draw out your design before you start decorating, it allows you to get a feel for how you need to arrange elements of the cake.

*Sweet Advice: Be patient! It’s best to take things slow and think them out as you do them. Remember that old rule from grade school? “Measure twice, cut once!”

2 Comments Add yours

  1. leccah says:

    you could make some Alice in Wonderland cookies (like in the film) that say “eat me”

    ..not very original, but i think they’d look great 🙂

  2. TheShaggyTurtle says:

    Hmmm… you’ve got something there! I’ll definitely try it! Thanks for the idea! (And for being the very first person to comment!! You get a gold star!)

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